If you're a real estate professional looking to up your game in marketing and productivity check out these four podcasts for some great tips, insights and advice from experienced international industry experts and marketing specialists. It's a great way to keep up with current market trends.

Wright Brothers Podcast

Second-generation real estate brokers Corey and Casey Wright have a passion for uncovering the marketing, technology and business strategies needed to compete in today's world. The Wright Brothers discuss topics like the impact of smartphones on how we live and do business. They also explore hacks that can make day-to-day life much easier. According to one listener, the Wright Brothers " have a unique talent for discussing real-life…

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Buying your first home? Consider this:

For most people. buying a home will be the most significant investment they will ever make in their lifetime. So before you take the plunge into home ownership make sure you have the answers to these questions: 

Do I have steady income?

You won't even get approval for a mortgage if you don't have a steady income and a reasonably steady job history. So if you've just started working it might not be a good time to apply for a mortgage. But that doesn't mean you can't start preparing. Build up other parts of your financial portfolio so that when the time is right you are fully prepared.

Have I saved enough money?

For some mortgages, buyers need as much as 15-20% of a home's price. Some down payments are…

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